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3D laser measurement of forged parts

alpha.hot3D / Laser measuring cell

Micrometer-accurate prediction of cold dimensions
in a matter of seconds after forging

Laser measures the entire 3D contour of forging specimens up to 1200°C hot

The alpha.hot3D system can predict the cold dimensions of a forged part in a matter of seconds after forging. This makes it possible to verify as early as the first few parts have been produced that the forming process is working without a hitch. If it is not, you can immediately take measures to adjust it.

The system can measure parts up to 1200°C hot, capturing their entire contour and calculating their cold dimensions with an accuracy starting from ±25 μm. Consequently, the system makes it possible for the operator to adjust the forging process in a matter of seconds after the first part has been formed.

3D feature evaluation in solid forming

Quick and easy in-line process

  • Operation at production line
  • Tabletop unit for measurement of specimen up to 1200 °C
  • Easy operation and status display with one button
  • Complete 3D scan with precise laser sensors
  • Measurement and evaluation in a few seconds
  • Individual prediction of cold dimensions for each feature
  • Accuracy of predicted cold dimensions starting from ±25 μm
  • Customizable inspection plans, expandable feature library
  • Flexible interface configuration for result data (CAQ systems, qs-STAT, ...)
  • Automatic measuring equipment monitoring according to MSA method 1

Video: Measuring cell in operation at forging press

The system can be installed right on the working platform of a forging press. The hot forged parts are picked up from the conveyor belt as they leave the forging press and directly placed into the measuring cell. The measurement is started with the press of a button. The “within specs” or “out of specs” result of the cold-dimension calculation, including a display of the component characteristics and a target/as-is comparison, is available within just a few seconds. After the measurement, the forging specimen can be returned to the process flow.

Measurement of hot forged specimen up to 1200 °C

3D visualization – virtual forge master view

Hot forms – Cool results

  • Digital twins as permanent reference samples
  • Documentation of the production process
  • Early intervention in the process
  • Objective criteria for forging tool evaluation
  • Optimization of forging tool life
  • Testing and Optimization of inspection plans in QS-Plan software based on previously stored measurement data

Monitoring of tool wear

The tool wear is monitored continuously. 
A trend is visible in the evaluation criteria.

Display of feature evaluation results

Measurement feature libraries: common shape and position tolerances; edge evaluations such as filling level and edge waste; special modules, e.g. evaluation of bevel gears, cams.

Operating principle of laser measurement

The 3D geometry of the specimen is assessed by nokra laser light section sensors while being rotated by 360°.

Technical features

  • Quickly exchangeable measuring plate
  • Easy referencing, storage of reference body in measuring cell
  • Laser class 1 system
  • Active temperature control for housing size L
  • TWIN sensors optionally available to avoid shading effects in case of non-rotationally symmetrical components (for housing size L)
  • Recipe setup and production release in nokra QS-Plan software
  • Integrated database for storage of results
  • Interfaces to automation and MES levels
  • Housing dimensions (h x w x d in mm)
    Housing S:  900 x 520 x 580,   92 kg
    Housing L: 1100 x 720 x 710, 195 kg

Specimen dimensions